Our customers can obtain free, confidential and impartial advice on how to manage their debts by contacting one of the organisations below;

StepChange Debt Charity – 0800 138 1111

National Debtline – 0808 808 4000

Your local Citizens Advice Bureau may also be able to offer advice and support.

 Other Support

OrganisationWhat they can help withPhone numberWebsite
ShelterHomelessness0808 800 4444www.shelter.org.uk
MindMental health0300 123 3393www.mind.org.uk
Macmillan Cancer SupportCancer support0808 808 0000www.macmillan.org.uk
RefugeDomestic abuse0808 200 0247www.refuge.org.uk
Age UKDementia and wellbeing0800 678 1602www.ageuk.org.uk
SamaritansMental health / suicidal thoughts116 123www.samaritans.org
JC International Acquisition, LLC (JCIA) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Firm reference number 717872. Data Protection registration number Z230078X. Services for JCIA are provided in the UK by Creditlink Account Recovery Solutions, Ltd (CARS), which is registered in England and Wales with company registration no: 4296927, registered office at: Midpoint, 5th Floor, Alencon Link, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 7PP.

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